Presentation in One Welfare World Conference on Youtube

Disparities in infant mortality tend to widen between household occupations

Various countries have reported that the suicide rate is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. I have conducted joint research with Stockholm University, Sweden, to elucidate the mechanism in detail. In addition, as part of the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES), I have investigated how the prevalence of depressive symptoms differs between urban and rural areas among older adults.
Structural changes have taken place in the agricultural sector, including intensifying international competition, a decrease in the number of farms and an increase in farm size, and climate change. We have investigated how these industrial structures of agriculture affect the health of farmers and people living in areas where agriculture is thriving.
The number of international migrants and refugees is increasing worldwide, and some countries have implemented policies to promote migrants and refugees to settle in rural areas in order to prevent the concentration of population in urban areas. In light of these social circumstances, our research focuses on migrants residing in rural areas.
Gender norms are social norms that define desirable behaviors based on gender, such as “You shouldn’t…do that…because you are a man” or “You should…do that…because you are a woman. We have investigated the impact of gender norms on mental health.