Our paper has been published in Social Science & Medicine. It is a collaborative study between Stockholm University and the University of Tokyo.
International migration is a global phenomenon, and has drawn extensive debate even in inclusive welfare states like Sweden. Immigrants may suffer from serious health issues, attributable to discrimination due to national immigration policies and negative social norms for immigrants in certain residential areas, and the impacts of this discrimination may vary across the places where they live. We therefore focused on rurality as a potential areal context strongly affecting the mental health of immigrants; and, using whole Swedish registry data, we evaluated the effect of its interaction with immigrants’ countries of birth on suicide risk. We found highly interesting results, showing clear differences in suicide risk by gender, areal size when evaluating rurality, and country of birth.
Kanamori M., Kondo N., Juarez S., Dunlavy A., Cederström A., Rostila M. (2020). Rural life and suicide: does the effect of the community context vary by country of birth? A Swedish registry-based multilevel cohort study. Social Science & Medicine, 253: 112958.